HR High Performance Collaboration

“Employees who find meaning in their work are more satisfied, more engaged and in turn, more productive. They work harder, smarter, more passionately and creatively. They learn and adapt. They are more connected to customer needs. And, they stick around.”
-The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations That Win – Dave Ulrich and Wendy Ulric
Highly effective teams create added value for the business, for the team and for individual team members when they collaborate effectively together.
When a team practices High Performance Collaboration the leader aligns the team around a clear sense of purpose and a shared strategic intent that creates the focus a team needs to reach levels of high performance. Based on that focus, individual team members agree to mutual commitments and accountability for collaborative relationships, key team processes and ways of working.
These provide the foundation for them to work together to continually improve team dynamics and learn from their challenges and setbacks. Inspire Purpose, Clarify Context, Cultivate Collaboration, Activate Ways of Working, and Sustain and Renew are the Practices of High Performance Collaboration.
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The Five Practices
- INSPIRE PURPOSE Articulate a compelling reason your team must work together to create value and why it matters.
- CYSTALLIZE INTENT Focus your entire team on the few strategies or initiatives which deliver the greatest value to the business.
- CULTIVATE COLLABORATION Establish personal commitments to one another and set clear expectations for how you will work together.
- ACTIVATE WAYSOF WORKING Define agreed upon ways of working and shared processes to guide how we convene, make decisions and resolve conflict as a team.
- SUSTAIN AND RENEW Develop and nurture a climate of continuous learning, trust, openness and engagement to increase and extend your team’s impact